Wednesday, 8 January 2025

Roadblock at Hubermont - with Battlegroup Wacht am Rhein - D-Day to Berlin series game 5

D-Day to Berlin and a Battle of Bulge game as we progress through 1944 and then 1945. This was an attack/defence game, using the Road Block scenario, with the Germans attacking, with 800 points per side.

The German force was, roughly: a StuG battery, armoured infantry platoon+ extra squad, supported by off-table 150mm Nebelwerfers (youch), a Brummbar and some light armour, in a PzIII spotter tank, scout half tracks and an armoured car.

The defending Americans were dug-in defending Hubermont with an infantry platoon, an M5 Stuart platoon, an M4 Sherman platoon, a reserve infantry platoon, off-table 4.2” mortars, a 57mm AT gun and a 90mm AA gun, along with an aid station (the Germans had one too for the BR boost) and a FHQ with a 2nd priority artillery request and a wire team. In defences, they had foxholes, a roadblock and a fortified building (the left side farmhouse, in front of the church).

With the Germans pressed for time by the scenario, they’d have to push on to take the village and its three objectives, various farmhouses and the road junction, so no caution here. Also, the flanking force, a StuG and two armoured infantry squads, would arrive from their right, midway across the table. The weather was ‘low cloud’ so all Air Attack counters would have to be re-rolled (unsurprisingly, no aircraft showed for this game).

German attack, avoiding the woods, with flanking force from their right taking the farm and assaulting the church.

Once deployed, with timed strikes, PRTPs, ammo, etc. all recorded, it was time to go. Panzers incoming!

The German advance was mainly to their right, first targeting the farmhouse on that side, as US mortar fire landed and immediately KO’d a supply truck (the first of 2 destroyed, but the Germans brought 3, due to… StuGs and Brummbar). The Pz III spotter tank was also KO’d in the first stonk. Luckily, there were at least 2 other artillery spotters, the FHQ in his wagon and recce HQ 250, lurking in some bushes. They’d take up the slack and get the screaming mee-mee’s firing. This they did, with the first direct hit destroying the 90mm AA, wiping out the crew (not a shot fired). The turn by turn ‘werfer softening would be hard going for the US. Blessed were the turns without a rocket impact as the battery split turns firing one launcher each turn, and then reloading. Hubermont became Werferville.

The US infantry put up a good fight, holding the forward fortified farm against all comers, even a Brummbar hit, and driving off one attempted assault. It would fall when the flanking force arrived and raced in their 251s to jump the last few men inside. Meanwhile, US artillery had been called up and the 155s came raining in, scoring a kill on another resupply truck and a 251… fear the long tom.

The armour was trading shots at range, and any hits glancing off, except for the M5s (as ever). Their paper thin armour saw the officer tank KO’d by a StuG shot, and then another two were KO’d by werfer strikes… the light platoon had achieved nothing! The Shermans did better, HE  and MGs scoring some pinning. The Germans now pressed up the road and took the central objective, whilst more infantry raced for the church. US GIs had reinforced here and waited on ambush fire, making the landsers pay for crossing the graveyard, and a bazooka rocket destroyed their 251 too. The church held out, just, with heavy losses for both sides. Even the FHQ in the clocktower was forced to use their small arms to help out.

The counters mounting, the Germans were now taking one per turn for the time pressing. The US just needed to hold on, but their break point was approaching. MG fire from farmhouse to farmhouse, and the 57mm AT gun, having ben largely ineffective, was also destroyed (crew machine gunned behind their wall). The light German armour skirted the woods, but was hit by a 4.2” mortar stonk and the armour car was left smoking. The panzer grenadiers rushed for the farmhouse, but found a fresh squad on ambush fire, cutting most of them down with M1 rifle fire. They retreated, with their MG team harassing still from a hedge. The GI squad inside would be wiped out by a Brummbar direct hit - oof!

It was very close, we had reached Turn 10, and 2 counters now for the Germans meant it was all or bust for them. One StuG was re-armed now and it came back forwards, around the farm, and its hit final penetrated a Sherman’s glacis armour. That counter was enough for the US defenders, broken, on 46 out of 45 BR. The Germans had just 4 BR left, so one more turn, and those 2 automatic BR counters would most likely have been enough. One more turn, so close.

Hubermont (Werferville) had fallen, the last GIs pulling back under covering mortar fire. The German IDF had been horrid… and none of their heavy armour had been destroyed, 3 StuGs and the Brummbar still rolling (if mostly with no ammo left). The US left 3 M5s and a M4 as smoking wrecks around the village. Great fight.

So its 3-2 to the Germans in the series, with FotR still to play, which is soon.

Pics of the action.

90mm AA deployed, but destroyed in the first 'werfer barrage.

Mortar spotters view from the church steeple.

57mm AT gun in the paddock.

Light armour on the German left.

The farm starts to become surrounded.

Panzer grenadiers await to bounce on the next farm.

On the lane into Hubermont, German armour under 155 artillery fire.

Second farm under attack. Last M5 faces off an assault gun.

Pinned in the lane...

Advance against the church begins, from the arriving flanking force.

Sherman 76s, all ammo expended and no resupply...

StuGs 'shoots-in' the infantry heading for the church. 

The smoking ruins... the second farm falls.


Monday, 30 December 2024

Warhammer - Tor Helethion campaign, game 8 - The Battle of Maev watchtower

It's been a few months delay, the campaign is on hold for a bit (as my main opponent isn't available much atm). But, we could get in a game at Xmas, so we made it a big bash, 3,000 points, with the Dark Elves trying again with their advance down the island's east coast, and the High Elves making a stand, to hold the Maev watchtower. 

The random terrain was: the watchtower, a large hill (with watchtower on it), elf waystone, a wood, a rock outcrop (impassable) and two small areas of old elven ruins.  

Both sides picked their forces, the Dark Elf player could choose to use his own forces or send his daemon allies, but went with the elves for this attack, no doubt saving the daemons for some future plan. The High Elves could, for the first time (due to campaign points restrictions), use their main leader, Prince Belhallas on his star dragon... so he would see his first combat and we can finally play with a big dragon. The Dark Elves have a 'secret' campaign secondary objective to kill that dragon... so this would be their first chance to achieve that objective.

The Dark Elf force was led by their campaign 2-i-c (the biggest boss is yet to risk himself on the field - he has people to do that for him, for now). Here are the two army lists:


Prince with full plate armour, lance, mounted on a Star Dragon 'Amlargos the Blue'.
Pure of Heart Elven Honour, with Null Stone, Enchanted Shield 

ARCH MAGE ERALIS - Level 3 - 254 pts
Lore of Battle Magic (Pillar of Fire, Oakenshield, Courage of Aenarion) with Loremaster’s Cloak, Sigils of Asuryan, Obsidian Lodestone, mount on Elf Steed

NOBLE TARYL - 120 pts (with Silver Helms)
with lance, full plate, shield, on barded elven steed, Foebane sword 

5 x Ellyrian Reavers (campaign experience: +1 BS)
with champion, shortbows, scout, skirmishers

with champion, shortbows

18 x Sea Guard (campaign experience: +1 WS)
with full command, shields

30 x SEA GUARD   - 377 pts
with full command, shields,

30 x SEA GUARD    - 377 pts
with full command, shields

7 x SILVER HELMS - 210 pts
with full command, shields

11 x SHADOW WARRIORS - 171 pts
with champion, ambushers

1 x FLAME PHOENIX - 170 pts


1 x GIANT EAGLE - 60 pts

2992 points



Dread Lord with full plate armour, shield, lance, mounted on a Cold One, with Pendant of Khaeleth, Black Dragon Egg

DEATH HAG XYRA THE TORMENTOR - 280 pts (with Witch Elves)
with Witchbrew, Biting Blade, Potion of Strength on a CAULDRON OF BLOOD

Lore of Dark Magic (Doombolt, Black Horror, Stream of Corruption) with Focus Familiar, Power Scroll,  Obsidian Lodestone, Dispell Scroll

18 x Spearmen (campaign experience: Eternal Hatred - High Elves)
with full command, spears and shields

10 x CROSSBOWS - 115 pts
with champion 

10 x CROSSBOWS - 115 pts
with champion

10 x CROSSBOWS - 115 pts
with champion

22 x SPEARS - 213 pts
with full command, spears and shields

10 x CORSAIRS - 110 pts
additional hand weapons

10 x CORSAIRS- 110 pts
additional hand weapons

26 x WITCH ELVES - 307 pts
with full command

8 x COLD ONE KNIGHTS - 301 pts
with full command, full plate armour

1 x COLD ONE CHARIOT  - 125 pts

1 x WAR HYDRA - 200 pts

8 x SHADES - 134 pts
with champion, additional hand weapon,


2997 points

Overview. Main Dark Elf attack is right and right-centre, mostly holding on their left with spears, crossbows and bolt throwers, but with the expendable corsairs sent forwards. High Elves react, all flyers coming to meet the main attack, as their cavalry wing tries to crash through on their right. 

Deployment. High Elf sea guard front line, with flyers behind, cavalry on far right, except the experienced shore riders on the left, behind the tower, skirmishing.

Here is how the battle went. The Dark Elves advanced on their right, with a hail of arrows and bolts to meet them and a few, minor, losses, but not enough to slow them down. On the left, trading bolts and arrows again, but the Black Horror blocked the Ellyrian Reaver's advance and they would have to ride through it and take 3 losses, as they closed in on the sacrificial screen of Corsairs. The spell would be dispelled before the Silver Helms moved up behind the Reavers. The High Elves responded by sending their flyers to meet the main attack, eagle, dragon and phoenix, and the shore rider reavers skirmishing with the chariot, with no damage from their short bows. They would then ride around it and continue into the Dark Elf back lines, to harass some crossbowmen with their shortbows for the rest of the game. 

The second turn was a big one. The Cold One Knights and Dread Lord charged up the hill into the sea guard block, the war hyrda charging the giant eagle, which fled, and redirecting into more sea guard... which shot it for a wound and redeployed into 2 fighting ranks of spears. The Phoenix could now fly into the hydra's flank to aid them. The witch elves moved up again, carrying their bloody alter of khaine with them. The prince and his dragon now had a choice of tempting targets, the flank of the cold ones to aid that fight, or the witch elves, a large block of points. Um-argh ... in the end, the dragon swooped in on the witch elves (this was, in retrospect, probably a mistake).

The fighting was epic... the cold ones knights and their lord smashed the sea guard for 10 dead (we remembered the Hatred rule for once)... ouch!, and took only 2 losses in return, but it was big win... the dread lord's challenged doing maximum damage with the poor sea-guard champion seriously overkilled. The sea guard morale failed, they broke, ran and were pursued to the table edge and destroyed by the brutal dinosaur-riders... a big first win to the dark-side.

But it swung back, as the dragon tore into the witch elves, but the death hag, boosted by her potion of strength and biting blade, did 4 wounds to Amlargos... the poison blades of the witches adding another... but the angry star dragon clawed, bit, stomped and Prince Belhallas used his lance, and killed 12 witch elves back, carnage. They also broke, ran and the dragon pursued and destroyed them all, evil death hag and her cauldron as well. 

With the War Hydra, not much happened, a wound here and there and a stalemate. On the High Elf far right, the last 2 reavers gamely charged the corsairs and were cut down (the others had already been shot down by repeater crossbows). A sad end to that unit, but the silver helms would follow-up and charge next turn.

Turn 3, and no quarter given, as the Dark Elf chariot charged a repeater bolt thrower and came up just short. Spearmen rushed into the combat against the phoenix, to aid the hydra, and swung the balance there (rank, banner, flank, helps), in the ensuing melee, the phoenix would die, explode and take 3 spearmen with it. But the sea guard just held their ground. On the High Elf far left the silver helms charge easily swept away a small unit of corsairs and overran into the flank of another unit. Could they cut their way through... enchanted now with the oakenshield and the courage of Aenarion spells. The dragon swung round, through a hail of crossbow bolts to take on the repeater bolt throwers and hopefully the sorceress (breathing fire caused her 1 wound - breath weapons are just rubbish! - might have to fix that). It took another wound from the bolts though, so 6 down, 3 to go! The cold one knights regrouped, turned about, ready to come back into the action after their devastating charge.

Turn 4, the crux of the game. The dragon charged a repeater bolt thrower and easily ate it, as the sorceress threw spells at it to no effect (null stone - yeah!). The silver helms were counter-charged by the 'blackheart' spearmen and fought to a standstill. The shades arrived and shot some sea guard from behind, whilst the shadow warriors failed to arrive and would fail to all game! Bad luck for the High Elves there. The war hydra finished off its lunch in more tastey sea guard and the cold one chariot, damaged but not destroyed by incoming big bolts, splattered a repeater bolt thrower crew. The Dark Elves were on top, but that dragon was rampaging, could it be stopped?

Last turn, as it turned out, and the Dark shot everything they could at the dragon, spells, crossbow bolts, big bolts, etc, scoring 2 more wounds (just 1 left now). It ate another bolt thrower crew as the sorceress had dodges out of its charge arc - wisely. The silver helms won their melee, but the Dark Elf infantry only gave ground, the cavalry attack had not had the hoped impact. Meanwhile, the High Elf left and left centre was all but gone. When the sorceress cast a doom bolt at the dragon, by fluke it evaded the null stone and did 1 point of damage. The armour save was... tense roll...a  1 (noooo! ).Belhallas and Amlargos came down (that was the luckiest spell ever cast)... and so we called it a day. It was obvious the Dark Elves had had a significant victory at the Maev watchtower. 

In the post-battle campaign bit, three Dark Elf units gained experience, but no characters did. Rolling for lost characters, the Death Hag, Xyra, was actually dead, removed from the campaign, eaten by a dragon (a pretty good way to go). More importantly, Prince Belhallas was seriously wounded and must miss 2 games, whilst we rolled for the dragon separately, and it was lightly wounded, so misses 1 game whilst it recovers (it isn't dead yet, but has no one to ride it). One High Elf unit, the surviving sea guard gained campaign experience, and rolling for it, gained: Hatred - Dark Elves. 

On the campaign map, the watchtower is lost and the Dark Elves are closing in on the citadel. With their leader now grievous wounded, the High Elves sent a message via eagle rider to Nagarythe to ask for reinforcements, before the island was lost. The king of Nagarythe will dispatch more shadow warriors to their aid (it would be nice if they actually showed up) and forwarded on the messenger back to Ulthuan. More aid will come from the mainland, because the garrison is now looking rather beleaguered. Perhaps they have one battle left in them before being trapped in the citadel of Tor Helethion, but aid is coming. 

So far after 8 games in the campaign, it is 4-3 on wins to the Dark Elves, with 1 draw. Next... well, I'm not sure, it might be a while until we can carry on, but a last desperate counter-attack by the High Elves to buy the relief force some time could be the scenario... or perhaps they just fully retreat inside their citadel walls and try to repel a siege assault. We'll see...

30 Sea Guard holding cross the watch tower hill, with 2 bolt throwers. Note, we limit unit deployment to 10 wide, max, avoiding silliness. 

The Guardian of Tor Helethion, Prince Belhallas, and his mighty star dragon, Amlargos the Blue. Finally on the field of battle. 

Dark Elf far left, crossbows, spears, corsairs and their sorceress, amidst old elven ruins.

Main assault force, directly at the watch tower's hill. The orders are 'full-send'.

Dark Elves far right, their single chariot on a dash at the bolt throwers at the watchtower.

Far right (High Elves). Reavers lead the Silver Helms (just a missile screen really), but have to ride through the Black Horror vortex spell first... then get shot-up by crossbows.

Eagle baits the hydra, and flees its charge, which is redirected into the sea guard, who then shoot it and get into 3 ranks to meet it with their spears.

Cold One Knights just come straight on at top speed. The main attack has begun. Sea Guard all loose their bows, and bring down 1! Dragon aid has flapped in though...

Reavers harass the chariot, to no effect... then ride on, trying to find something they can kill (not much).

Charge of the Cold One Knights and their dread lord leader, can 30 Sea Guard hold? Err... no, they are utterly shattered, break, run, and are run down... all gone in 1 turn! Ouch!

Beast-fight in the centre, as the giant eagle flees... wise old bird. Let the phoenix do the dirty work. It failed to rally and flew off... coward!  

Prince and his massive dragon hammer into the witch elves and their cauldron of blood. An epic fight follows... dragon taking 5 wounds from crazy (strong) Death Hag and poison blades. But Amlargos gets mad... and tears down 12 witch elves in return. They break and flee...

Last of the reavers (2) charge in and are destroyed vs the corsiars... woe the poor Ellyrian reavers... just not cutting it as light cavalry, when not skirmishing.

Silver Helms charge and destroy first unit of screening corsairs...

The Prince and dragon, having scattered the witch elves, is now peppered with crossbow bolts, causing another wound, like bee stings. It swung round to attack the ruins, hunting the sorceress, who kept dodging out of it charge arc...

Chariot's first charge comes up just short. Got there next time.

Melee in the centre, spears and war hydra vs sea guard and phoenix.

Silver Helms and their noble leader, unable to cut through, despite being both unbreakable and having a 5+ ward save from spells (marked by the gems). Good Dark Elf resolve means they were only pushed back and the High Elf cavalry attack has failed to do much real damage. 

The campaign map so large... the Dark Elves continue to encroach from the north-east and have so far capture 3 of the 7 watchtowers. The High Elves have also now decided to abandon Orris tower without a fight and retreat... so it will be 4. If they lose all 7 and the citadel before any relief forces arrive, it's campaign over!   



Sea Lord Ithilas’ Fleet
Below the towering walls of the great white city, a soft sea wind hissed through the ropes and rigging of the vessels tethered to the ancient stone piers of Lothern’s port. A fleet of sleek, pale-hulled ships rolled gentle as the lapis-blue waves splashed about them. Prince Ithilas of Lothern and his small entourage strode back along the pier, their morning inspection complete. Awaiting them stood a tall, hooded and heavily robed figure, by his many sigils and embroidered runes, and the long silver staff he carried, a high mage of Hoeth. The lord indicated for his followers to halt. He approached the end of the pier alone, and nodded his respectful abeyance.

“I am Prince Ithilas, a sea-lord of Lothern, and I command this ready fleet. How may I be of assistance to an arch-mage of the white tower?”

“I am Arch-Mage Aeliaron of Hoeth, and I bring grim news from the far north. I have come from an urgent council with the lord’s of the city. An eagle messenger has ridden from Nagarythe, in turn bearing a messenger from the far isle of Tor Helethion. The garrison commander sends for aid. Druchii raiders have landed, in force, and the garrison of the island is outmatched. The warden lies wounded. As yet, the citadel still holds, but it seems likely our enemy will soon set a siege. A relief force must be dispatched, today.”

“My fleet stands ready to sail before high-sun. My regiments of sea-guard need only be summoned to arms from the barracks, the ship crews and weapons are all already in place. With orders, my ships can be through the Lothern Straits and beyond the coast of the Dragon Spine of Caledor by tomorrow’s dawn.”

“My tidings are worse yet. The messenger tells that the fell enemy have brought their own allies. They have, by direst means, summoned a daemonic host. So, we of Hoeth must also respond. I have already gathered a conclave of mages to join your relief force, including myself. Also, two full regiments of our swordmasters have been instructed to muster here. They will be in Lothern by high-sun, prepare extra transportation for them.”

“We are graced by their aid. It shall be as the Phoenix-King commands, we are the tip of Vaul’s great spear. Lothern’s ready fleet stands to respond to any sudden threat to Ulthuan. These Druchii raiders will get no further that Tor Helethion, if the  garrison can hold out for a few more days.”

“Greatest speed is required. My weather-mages can aid your fleet’s passage. The sea winds and tides will favour you”,  replied Aelairon. “Call your men to arms”.

With a slight bow, Ithilas stepped back, turned, and summoned a young, golden haired attendant, stood off at a respectful distance, to his side. “Princeling Eladrin, first born of my sons. Sound the horn and send messengers to the captains of the guard barracks. Summon all the ready fleet to arms. Instruct herald Gilgaros to unfurl my sea-dragon banner over the flag-ship, and have servants fetch Greytail from the stables and the firespear from my quarters. I want all ships prepared and provisioned within two hours. We sail as soon as all are loaded. We go north, at speed, to war.”    


Tuesday, 3 December 2024

Across the L'Epvre stream and Rue du Vacourt - with Battlegroup Westwall - D-Day to Berlin series, game 4

The next in our series, game 4, and a first tank brawl, with 900 points of US Armour vs a Panzer Brigade list (somewhere in the Lorriane). A straight meeting engagement ‘attack/counter-attack’ scenario. The point of the series is change things up each time, with different types of game and using variant army lists (and use our model collections).

With objectives places (4, at the white building, on two main hilltops and the woods on the right - US right), timed strikes and ammunition selected etc, and corners rolled for. Te US selected their corner and recce units we’re deployed… phew! Time to start playing.

Both sides rolled well and the forces rushed onto the tabletop. The Germans had soon captured 3 objectives, with their recce getting their first. The US recce (a single M20) called in some mortar fire, but scored no hits. As the German panzers arrived, a Pz IV platoon, a StuG battery and a single Panther, with armoured grenadiers and a combat engineer section. The Shermans rolled in to face them, along with an armoured infantry platoon, backed up by an M7 Priest battery. When the FOO was in place, in the hilltop wood line, leaving his jeep behind (it left a few turns later), those M7s got busy, launching fire from behind he hill over the valley. The first stonk caused some pinning, but after this, every turn, the artillery would plunge in and hurt the Germans. The first casualty was the Panther, KO’d by a 105mm direct hit (later a FAMO arrived and tried but failed to fix it), but the 105s went on to score more kills, including thought the game: a StuG and 2 Pz IVs as well infantry… the Germans took a pounding (and the M7s kept rolling 6s!). 

German advance in red. US in blue. X marks the objectives. 

The Shermans split up, one went to support the attack on the far right, where infantry had de-bussed from their half track in the trees and made their way forwards to attack the objective. The single Sherman in support crept (if you can creep in a tank) around the rocks to get a shot a Pz IV, scored a hit but glanced off, but the surprised crew were pinned. Unfortunately, the grenadiers in the trees had a panzerfaust and they responded by destroying the Sherman. The small attack here stalled, with some MG fire traded and pinning, but not much else until far later in the game, a second effort resulted in a M3 half track getting destroyed by a panzerschreck team - a nasty surprise.

The main US thrust was on their left, down into the river valley to get across and up to the road (near the wooden barn and white house). Shermans and more M3 rolled out, as the support fire set-up on the high ground behind, MMGs, 60mm mortar and covering 76mm Sherman on ambush fire. The scout car spotted in more 81mm mortar fire, and in a ‘wild’ shot first killed another StuG, then later, an SdKfz 251 parked behind trees… the IDF was punishing.

The attack down into the valley encountered another Panzer IV, which KO’d a Sherman, then an M3 HT (after the squad had dismounted and moved up across the water, under its .50cal suppressing fire). That Panzer IV proved hard to hit, behind bushes, and much AP fire whizzed by, or scored a hit only to again glance off. One 76mm hit did then immobilise it. It remained firing away, out of AP, then out of HE and down to just MGs. The resupply truck had a long way to come, all cross country and never got there.

Trying to get across the stream became a ferocious fight, the US infantry squad was wiped by MG-42 fire (infantry and 251 pintle-mounted), but a Sherman’s AP round smashed the half-track in turn. The counters had built up. The US drew an Air Attack, but had to roll for it just before the FAC rolled onto the table (last unit on from reserve - a mistake!). The air support didn’t show - drat! A mine strike resulted in another 251 being KO’d as it climbed out the stream valley to help out at the far right objective. The punishment continued, a Sherman KO’d by long-ranged StuG fire, then another by the last Pz IV… then another immobilised too (3 vehicles got this in this game). But one Sherman was dragged away by the ARV after it couldn’t be fixed (allowing a 5 counter to be returned to the pot - sweet!).

The BR counter piles were again large… but the US artillery continued to rule. A volley targeted at the white house resulted in another 2 direct hits… as the combat engineers (in reserve) lost their half track and an MG team was wiped. 2 more counters… and that was enough, the Panzer Brigade had taken enough punishment and pulled back. The US armour had fought its way across the L’Epvre stream and onto Rue de Vacourt (under a lot of 105mm shells… in all, with reloading, each M7 fired 21 timed, so 63 dice in all, and we counted well over the odds in 15 direct hits scored). German artillery support had been 2 priority requests, which were never granted and two timed 81mm mortar strikes, that caused some pinning, but not much else

So, it is 2-2 in the series after 4 games with 2 more to go. The next game, hopefully we can squeeze it in around Christmas, will be for the Battle of the Bulge using Wacht am Rhein, a German armoured attack with the US defending for once. After that, we'll finish on Fall of the Reich for a game (or 2). 


Recce M20 spots for mortars across the valley, from the hill top tree line.

The white house, objective, and mortar target. Held by a recce foot patrol throughout.

StuG on station, on the Rue du Vacourt above the valley. A stray mortar bomb unluckily (luckily) took it out.

No one can rid the Germans of these troublesome Priests!. Just arrived (2 supply trucks would be just behind). Hidden behind a hill, they could sit back and let fly.

German armour arriving and moving up hill towards the white house.

76mm Sherman covering across the valley. Smoke is our ambush fire marker. It would quickly need one of those supply trucks.

Armoured grenadiers rush up, over the bridge to deploy to their right and block the route up the valley to the objective.

Down in the stream valley, armoured infantry and a Sherman ford it, but soon get pinned down...

by these defenders, grenadiers, their 251 and a Pz IV put up a hell of a fight against the main US advance. Panzer ended up immobile and out of ammo.

The far right objective, which the Germans pinched early with their armoured car and held on to.

Early victim of the Priests, the single Panther, FAMO trying to fix it, but you just can't get the parts! StuGs beyond largly pinned by the incoming fire (one also got immobilised, FAMO's next job).

Still pushing up in the valley, M3 offing suppressing fire, but then KO'd by the Pz IV's last HE round.

No fixing this one... dragged away for the workshop.

German counters, started all 1s and 2s... then probability caught up. Final 5 finished it with a BR total of 50.  US had 10 BR left... solid-ish win.