Tuesday 2 April 2024

The Old World – High Elves

Work is complete on re-basing and reworking (and adding a couple of new units) to my Warhammer High Elf army. This is all in preparation for my planned narrative campaign, and one side of the two army collections is complete. Dark Elves are getting there... the invasion is coming...

I don't see this as a single army, it's a collection from which armies will be picked, and I plan to try and avoid just 2,000 points, line-up and fight games... but let the narrative generate the games and include various scenarios, like border patrols, ambushes, maybe even a siege assault if I can. This will give the game's context...as part of a story that they are also creating. Heroes will have names, live and die, gain experience, etc. Here is the full collection, ready for action now.

I need to add a Phoenix (looking forward to painting that) and another mounted wizard (both ordered, but not arrived yet from Last Sword). They will come, but back to re-basing Dark Elves...

Prince on griffon

Dragon-Mage (on resin 3-D printed dragon)

Prince on (huge) dragon (old Macfarlane vinyl model)

Other various heroes, BSB and wizard

8 Silver Helms

28 Sea Guard

28 Sea Guard
28 more Sea Guard

8 Ellyrian Reavers

8 more Ellyrian Reavers

15 Shadow Warriors (adopted Middle-Earth rangers)

20 Swordmasters

20 more Swordmasters

Giant (sea) Eagles

Repeater Bolt Thrower battery


  1. sorry , unrelated but understand your Soldiers of God rules are no longer available ?

    1. No, out of print now. I might be able to get a pdf on sale, we'll see.
