Monday 2 September 2024


Well, this is a bit of an problem. In a 'senior moment' of clearing pictures off my phone, thinking I'd already transferred them, I mass deleted all the pics of the game from it. Gone!  I have 2 left... oops! So, La Rothiere ends with little record of it, but it did happen. 

The final scenario is for the last action of the day. The Russians had almost captured the village, of La Rothiere, so in the evening the battalions of the Young Guard were called up to counter-attack and take it back, throwing the Russians (Prussians standing-in in our games), back and allowing time for the French to withdraw from the field. As the snows fell and gathered, and darkness approached, the French counter-attack encountered, coming the other way, the full force of a Russian grenadier division (2 brigades)... so good infantry against good infantry here, and almost no cavalry (French have 1 weak unit of Guard lancers that were guarding the road and did advance into the village). All set for guns and ground-pounders then... 'Forward the Guard! '

It opened with some sparring around the village buildings, the Russian guns being dragged up and deployed and French skirmishers starting their work. One French battalion occupied the first buildings and that would later prove useful in fulfilling the 'tale a stronghold' objective. There would be skirmishing around the buildings for the rest of the game.

In the open fields, the Young Guard brigades started to advance and came under galling cannon fire from the big Russian batteries. The round-shot pummeling was short lived after ammunition ran low, saving the guard and allowing the really attack to begin unmolested. This attack would come on the far left, as Guard columns moved 'at the quick' against a weakened line. Skirmisher fire did not deter them and on they came, before charging in and driving the Russian line columns back in melee. One broke... the other two were hanging on, but the pressure was buildings. The French had had a good start and build up a healthy VP leads.

This continued as the Young Guard pressed home on the left and broke another battalion, then overran their supporting battery. The entire Russian brigade was wiped out next turn and the French VP raced to a big lead, 22 to 7. The Russians were looking at rapid and hefty defeat. They needed some help, and, thanks to the arrival of their Corps commander, and then the swift arrival behind him of two grenadier brigades of 8 strong battalions, in the centre and on their (now destroyed ) right. The grenadier columns marched up to face-off the Young Guard, who had already been in combat and were rallying for the next push, but here would be the climax of the fight.

And it was an epic clash of infantry. The French pressed the attack again, holding a 'grand assault' objective card and keen to win it with those VPs, they moved up, exchanged volleys and tried to press home. It didn't work, only 3 columns charged (not the 4 required) and the others came up short... allowing the grenadiers to unleash heavy firepower back and close range. The grenadiers also held their own in most of the melees and threw the Young Guard back... a hefty reverse and one Guard battalion broke and fled. The Russians were back in it on VPs. Next turn, they went for it, declaring their own charges and countering the Guard. Every battalion ordered charged (5 in all) and in the mass bayonet fight and brawling, the Young Guard could not hold out, losing four of the five melees. The Russians broke another battalion too, and suddenly, from a dominant French position the Russians had pulled it back to even-stevens. But, they had also completed their own 'grand assault' and rolling for the VPs scored the max, added to this, the punitive VPs from the French for failing their own... oh dear!

The Russians had, somehow, won it! From looking like a huge defeat, the last-ditch arrival of the grenadier battalions had turned it around and won the game. The French still needing 3 more VPs to break them, but completing the objective (after the French had failed the turn before, which would have won it) was the difference. A narrow Russian win, pulled out of the fire...

Great game, so close at the end, and an epic final turn of close melees. The marginal Russian win in game 5 means the campaign ended with a French narrow win at La Rothiere after 5 games. The French took 3 games, the Allies 2... so we are done. I shall now add this of the pile of work to turn into a SoN 'Great Battles' supplement, available as a pdf from Gripping Beast in the next few months (hopefully). 

The only surviving pics of the action... lesson learn, double check you have the pictures before deleting them!


La Rothiere sits between the (P)russian and French lines, lots of skirmish fighting. Young Guard deployed are to the left, to attack around the buildings. Here, faced by some line regiments, awaiting aid from grenadiers, en route

(P)russian lines, a big battery hammering the Young Guard, but ran low on ammo. Huge infantry brawl building to a climax. Prussians up against it, but grenadiers deploying at the quick.


Thursday 29 August 2024


It has been a while getting to this. Other stuff, games, work, summer hols, etc... but finally, game 4's AAR. We've already played game 5.

The Austrians and Bavarians are launching an attack on the French left wing at Morvilliers. The French must hold on and prevent a breakthrough. The French force is two infantry brigades with 2 small, weak cavalry brigades behind (dragoons and light cav). The Allied force is 3 infantry brigades (1 Austrian, 2 Bavarian, here with stand-ins from Wurttemberg - which is close, and more Austrians), and 2 cavalry brigades behind (light cav and a mixed one of dragoons and hussars - an oddity, but how they had it on the day). The Allies had the steady advance order to breakthrough enemy lines, and the French defend... to hold the line.

The Allied main attack was to be in the centre and their left, but with the Austrians first launching a holding attack on the right, to get the French busy there, then hitting on the other side to breakthrough. This 'sort of' worked to start with, but the French in the buidlngs were tough and skirmishing well, and the attack in the centre was soon in trouble, and countered attacked by charging marine infantry yelling 'Vive L'Empereur!'. The Allied best hope was on the left, passed the church, but the French light cavalry arrived here to block the route and threaten the infantry columns. When their hussars boldly came forwards, they met a furious fusillade though, and broke (we don't have much luck with hussars)... it seemed the time to strike was now... but the infantry dithered and waited for the their own light cavalry to move up behind and clear the French chasseurs first, enduring cannon fire as they did so. It had reached a bit of a stalemate.

That was broken by the arrival of French dragoons on their left, to rush up and threaten the Austrans, in fact, quickly smashing one Austrain column into ruins and forcing the others into squares. To counter this, the Austrian reserve dragoons and hussars galloped up, and the hussars charged and defeated the lead dragoons heavily. Payback!. There was fighting all along the board, cannon fire, skirmsh fire, volleys and cavalry charges and both sides had taken damage. On VPs it was close, French maybe just ahead. Theywere aided when 'Boney' himself turned up himself to make sure the line would hold at Morvilliers.

Into the final, and it would be settled by the cavalry, dragoon on dragoons as the Austrians charged in. They won but needed a more decisive victory to claw back the VPs and snatch the win. It wasn't to be. In the end the French had just edged it and the Allied breakpoint was met, with the French having just 3 VPs left. So close, but a valiant and desperate defensive effort from the French. Napoleon's presences on the field might have been just enough to swing it! Great game, loads of action, all 5 brigades in the thick of it at some time or the other, swinging back and forth.

After 4 games from the 5 planned at La Rothiere, the French have a slight advantage and are currently just winning La Rothiere by 1 VP. The finale, game 5, might well change that. That's coming soon, as the Young Guard counter-attack at La Rothiere village in the evening gloom...

Pics of the action...


The French line up to defend Mortiers village, the Austrians and 'stand-in' Bavarians ready to go... to start with, an all infantry affair. 

Austrian column's on the Allied right, for a 'demonstration' attack

The French columns and battery facing them, just need to hold the line.

The skirmishers out front stall the Austrian columns, but their not looking to press to close quarters anyway, just pin the French in place, keep them nice and busy. 

To the Allied left rear, light cavalry gallop on, in columns of march.

The centre, 'Bavarians' embroiled with more skirmishers and veteran infantry holding the buildings.

French dragoons gallop on behind their right, sent by the Emperor himself.

Vive L'Empereur!'. The biggest boss turns up to make sure the left flank doesn't cave.

The Austrian hussars storm forward to meet the dragoons, who have just sabred to pieces a Austrian battalion, other all form square - quick!

The left flank try to get forwards but encounter the French light cavalry. Their own moves up to counter them, can they win the battle here?  Err - no.

A finally cavalry clash, dragoons to dragoons... a marginal Austrian win, but not decisively so.


Friday 23 August 2024

Warhammer - Tor Helethion campiagn, game 7 – Across the Stream

Campaign map as it stands.

Game seven of the Tor Helethion campaign, it’s been a while, so a ‘so far…’  recap might help.

Phase one of the campaign was the pre-invasion efforts as Dark Elf scouts, corsairs and dark riders arrived on the island and cleared a way for the main force to land on the Isle of Tor Helethion, in a few smaller engagements and border patrols, mostly vs the High Elf patrols of scouts of shadow warriors and reaver cavalry. The dark elves were largely successful, and the shadow warrior captain was killed in battle, and the main force DE could then attempt to land.

The Dark Elves then managed to successfully land a large force on the northern coast of the isle in an amphibious assault, wading ashore across the beech. After landing, they were getting their forces all ashore and constructing their various war machines. As they did so, they sent out a raiding force east to capture a coastal watchtower, but the raid was defeat by its defenders, under High Elf Noble Elendaer, who is currently commanding the High Elf response, trying to delay the invaders and awaiting aid from the Tor Helethion citadel in south of the island.

Defeated at watchtower Ayrel, the Dark Elves tried again to the west, at watchtower Aldreas, but this time summoned their allies for the task, using the daemonic pact their high sorceress has forged with a daemon-prince of Khorne, now under her command. The Khornate daemons attacked the watchtower and overran its defenders, slaughtering them all.

This left the Dark Elf Dread Lord commander with a choice, to push their invasion inland either westwards (the long way round to their ultimate target, the citadel), or go east and ignore the garrison at watchtower Ayrel, which would then be behind them. He decided to send another raiding force west, to the next watchtower around the coast at Orris, and a vanguard force east (so a bit of both). That vanguard is moving down the coastal path on the east coast.

Coming north to meet them are the HE reinforcements from the citadel. They’ll meet in the next battle, but the garrison at Ayrel, with Noble Elendaer, could choose to either sit tight and await aid to reach them, or follow the Dark Elves southward. They chose to go south and try and aid in the battle to come, abandoning their watchtower to the Dark Elves rather than be besieged inside it.

Game 7 is the clash as the Dark Elf vanguard meet the High Elf reinforcements blocking the path south, but with Elendaer’s flanking force to aid them, arriving at some unknown point after Turn 1, it’s random.

The scenario is then set. 2,500 points aside, with the High Elves split between the blocking force and the flanking force. The Dark Elves have to breakthrough, cross the fast stream (open terrain at 3 fords but dangerous terrain everywhere else) and get into the High Elf deployment zone (for extra VPs, so they are encouraged to attack - but I don’t usually need much encouragement). We’d be using are unit-by-unit house-rule activation and action system (the green disks in the pics). 

The tabletop. High Elves deploying block the stream (right) and with flanking force arriving from top left. Dark Elves all deploy into bottom left corner (except ambushers). 6 terrain pieces: stream, old elven ruin, rocky ground, gorse thicket and 2 'tors' – impassable big rocks.

Here are the army lists:

DRAGON-MAGE FAYLAS - Level 1 - 300 pts
Lore of Battle Magic (Pillar of Fire) with Giant Blade (S+1, Armour Bane2, Magical Attacks, Multi-wound2) and Seeds of Rebirth (Regen 5+), mounted on a Sun Dragon

24 SEA GUARD    305
with full command

24 SEA GUARD    305
with full command

with full command, shields, war banner (+1 combat res)





Noble with full plate armour, shield, lance, barded elven steed

ARCH MAGE ERALIS - Level 3 - 254 pts
Lore of Battle Magic (Arcane Urgency, Oakenshield, Hammerhand) with Loremaster’s Cloak (4+ Ward vs magic missiles), Sigils of Asuryan (Auto Dispell, 1 use), Obsidian Lodestone (Magic Resistance1), on Elf Steed

8 Ellyrian Reavers with Harbinger, short bows, skirmishers, scouts
Campaign Experience: +1 BS (now 5)

16 Sea Guard with full command
Campaign Experience: +1 WS (now 5)

Total: 2,499 points


High Beastmaster mounted on Manticore, with heavy armour, shield, sea dragon cloak (5+ Ward vs missiles), cavalry spear
Spear of Might (+1S, -1 AP, magic attacks), Healing Potion (recover D3 wounds).
Campaign Experience: May include a Wild Manticore as independent monster with a beastmaster

SORCERESS NALVIMU - Level 2 - 149 pts
Lore of Daemonology (The Summoning, Daemonic Vigour), with Talisman of Protection (5+ Ward save), mount on Dark Steed

SORCERESS LLIVHIDA - Level 1 - 125 pts
Lore of Elementalism (Storm Call and Black Horror) with Tome of Furion (+1 spell), Lifetaker staff (R24”, S3, AP-1, MultishotD3+1, armour bane1, magical attacks, poison attacks)
Campaign Experience: Severely Wounded (-1 WS, BS and I)

10 Crossbows with champion
Campaign Experience: +1 BS (now 5)

20 Spearmen with full command
Campaign Experience: Eternal Hatred (High Elves)

20 SPEARMEN    195
with full command

10 CROSSBOWS    115
 with champion

10 CROSSBOWS    115
 with champion

24 WITCH ELVES    310
with full command, with Banner of Har Ganeth (all attacks AP-1)

8 DARK SHADES    150
with champion, light armour, additional hand weapons, ambushers

with full command, full plate armour


with 1 Beastmaster


Total: 2,501 points

The deployment, High Elf blocking force line up to face the Dark Elf vanguard.

 Ready for the off then. I won’t go into every move and dice roll, but here is the overview and highlights. It broke down into three fights or ‘hot points’ on the battlefield. The eastern crossing and ford where the witch elves, leading in suicidal fashion, charged straight ahead into a ‘kill zone’ of sea guard archery and repeater bolt thrower crossfire (someone has to go first!). Behind them, the second wave, came the Cold One Knights, hopefully benefiting from the witch elves dying (by not). Behind the enemy lines the shades would hopefully appear and try to take out a bolt thrower and aid with rear attacks. Facing this was a line of Sea Guard, both bolt throwers the and the Silver Helms.

The west ford was trickier, units in march column moving quickly, but the chariots led and a stupid lead chariot slows everybody down, oops! This was both chariots, a spearman block and a crossbow unit, with beastmaster Zeldeth and his manticore, and handy spare manticore, ready to flap to whenever they were needed most. Facing this was the ‘air force’ of both eagles, the phoenix, and the dragon-mage. Behind was a reserve block of sea guard, in march column, to quickly deploy either left or right if needed.

The last ‘hot-zone’, was where the flanking force arrived, which was screened by a crossbow unit and the Blackheart spear regiment of renown. They’d just hold-up or stop the flanking force getting behind me.

The Witch Elves’ assault was a slaughter, hit by missile fire and with 4 wild-women swept away crossing the stream (into the sea which was just off table to the Dark Elf right, I imagine the fast stream plunges over a waterfall into the sea, in fantasy-world style). Only 5 made the charge to the Sea Guard lines, and were duly butchered. But, the Cold One Knights were right behind and ready to follow-in, having lost just 1 to a big bolt en route. A hard charge should smash those Sea Guard. Meanwhile, the Silver Helms had turned around to intercept the Shades, arriving at the start of turn 2, so on time. But, on turn 3 when they charged the bolt thrower, needing to cover 7”, they rolled two 1s for the charge distance and only got 6”. A failed charge, which allowed the Silver Helms to come in, lances down, and massacre them. The survivors fled the field… utter rubbish from the Shades.

At the eastern ford, the chariots got through it, harassed by longbow shots from the shadow warriors that had arrived to aid here. Then the dragon-mage’s dragon lost it’s cool and was forced to charge the lead chariot. It did, and in a couple of rounds of combat, had smashed it up and eaten the crew. The other chariot though raced passed and got a long charge into the shadow warriors, squishing them and they fled the field too, so much for the ambusher units (note here, new house rule, half impact hits vs skirmishers, they can surely get out the way easier). The flaming phoenix was busy ‘fire bombing’ the spearmen and crossbows behind. One eagle was killed by a spell (the summoning) the other launched itself bravery into the wild manticore, which only had a coupe of wounds left after accurate reaver short bows hurt it. The big bird’s talon and beak finished it off. Meanwhile, the beastmaster and his mount turned to face the arriving the flanking force.

The flanking force arrived straight away, Elendaer on time on turn 2. The moved on, reavers flinging arrows into the manticore and sea guard trading fire with the crossbow line ahead of them. Noble Elendaer decided on a rash charge into the crossbow line, but the hail of bolts was too much and he fell as he charged in. Brave, but, well, foolhardy. The Blackheart spear regiment moved up a charged the Sea Guard in a battle of the spear blocks, which was so close, both sides winning it twice, by 1 each time and just pushing the line to-and-fro – stalemate there. High Beastmaster Zeldeth lost control of his manticore and it just rushed down into the reavers, pursued by an eagle, pecking its backside. The following melee saw the reavers break and flee the field, whilst the eagle was also killed, but not before the mighty Beastmaster had taken 4 wounds in return. No problemo, potion of healing and all was well(ish) again - umm yummy!.

To the finale… it was close so far. The Cold Knights smashed home and hammered the Sea Guard line, which broke and ran, to be destroyed. Job done, but the Silver Helms had reformed and were coming to stop them. Their fight would be the climax of the battle.

The dragon-mage, rampaged into another spearman bock and rolled terrible attacks, it looked like the DE would actually win, until the dragons stomps killed 6 (excellent tail lashing). The little dragon did it again next turn, and the next (3 x 6 stomps in the row!), crushing the spearmen block utterly.

The phoenix swooped over to face the Beastmaster and they charged and met in, what I imagine to be, a very cool aerial fight. Both then missed, failed to wound or made armour saves and zero damage was done. Not so dramatic.

The final melee was the Cold One Knights, charged by the Silver Helms… and in a disaster the Silver Helms won and the Knights then broke, fled and where run down - good grief! More rubbish dice! The Silver Helms had mopped up behind the lines very well.

So, we called it a day, and added up VPs. In all, 1,422 points of damage done by the High Elves. 1,304 done by the Dark Elves, very close. We’ll call it a draw… edged, maybe, by the High Elves.

Story-wise, the Dark Elf vanguard is halted and will retreat back north to the main force, thwarted. But the High Elves are also weak too and must also retreat south. Post-game, rolling for damage to units and characters, and to gain campaign experience, the High Elves gained a magic level for the dragon-mage, so now level 2 for next time. But Noble Elendaer was dead, not injured, just dead. The heroic noble that had led the resistance to the invasion so far was slain, skewered by many barbed bolts in his bold lone charge. No units gained any experience, but the DE crossbow regiment of renown ‘Hothsur’s Crossbows’ had met a flaming end this time – only 5 men remain for any future games.

Next, for game 8, we’ll deal with the Dark Elf raid on watchtower Orris, maybe by the daemons again. Or, thwarted here, the Dread Lord might summon the daemons in force to do the job his vanguard couldn’t. 

The Dark Elf vanguard about to get spread out from their corner deployment zone and cut their way across the stream.

The High Elf line, 'air force' on their right, dragon mage, 2 giant eagles and the phoenix.

Witch Elves rush to ford the stream, and loss 4 swept into the sea away in doing so. Pillar of Fire and Black Horror vortex are conjured up, not doing much.

Flap flap, the air force comes forward...

Dark Elf columns, led by both chariots, march up and cross the stream to their left, via a safe ford.

Last of the Witch Elves about to charge to Sea Guard, only 5 would make it through the stand and fire.

Sneaky, behind the High Elves lines the Shades appear, to try and jump on of the bolt throwers.

Flanking force moves on, Ellyrian Reavers first.

Led by Noble Elendaer, who lance down, charge alone at the repeater crossbows, through a hail of bolts and was shot down.

The Cold One Knights follow, where the Witch Elves failed, about to unleash hell, and dinosaurs, on the hated foe.

The sun dragon gets all impetuous and swoops down on the lead chariot (closest target).

Meanwhile, the Beastmaster and his angry manticore charge to Ellyrian reavers. Green gem is for their spell in effect, handy 5+ ward saves.

and a giant eagle swoops in behind to try to help - careful, that's the stingy end of a manticore.

Sea Guard vs Spears, a grind, too even for either side to win.

Cold One Knights break the Sea Guard block, but are out run in the pursuit. Slow cold ones today... but next charge finished them off.

Phoenix continues to swoop about, using its firey wake - incendiary bombing a crossbow unit to destruction. A flaming end, trapped between the phoenix and the pillar of fire.

The Silver Helms, having dealt with the Shades, have turned about and charged the Cold Ones.

Beastmaster and Phoenix clash... and cause 0 wounds each. Stalemate, and we call it a day...





Sunday 14 July 2024


Scenario 3 is a small battle, as the Wurttembergers advance to take the French outpost at the hamlet of La Giberie. On the day, it was not strongly held, but the French committed some reinforcements to try to hold it from the Wurttemberger's advanced guard. That action would be this re-fight.

My Wurttembergers required some stand-ins from the Austrians models to make up the extra battalions, with Grenzer standing in as Wurttemberg light infantry. 

The game began with the Wurttemberg light infantry skirmish lines moving up and the first skirmish fire being exchanged. Both sides had a single, weak, light cavalry regiment, and they faced off, but neither was going to be strong enough to quickly and decisively win a fight, so caution prevailed for now. The Wurttemberg battery was instantly nerfed by 'low ammunition', and in a tit-for-tat move, the same was played on the French battery, both cards came up in turn 1. So, artillery and the light cavalry would have almost no say in the outcome, it was an all infantry brawl.

The Wurttemberg lead line battalions pushed up and traded fire, and the French held the line as best they could with their weak battalions. Up the road the fighting was hottest and here the French were forced to pull back and rally after a solid volley... but they did, and regrouped for a counter-attack. 

The cavalry did briefly clash, a handy 'fierce cavalry charge' card allowing the Wurttemberg chasseurs to beat the French chasseurs back, and they rallied as well. Wurttemberg was in the lead. 

The French though were not done. Their reinforcement infantry brigade arrived and suddenly they had the extra action card and could counter. Their chassuers lurked at the back, and my own chasseurs had no option but to pull back faced by advancing French columns, a few volleys, and their painful voltiguers. The Wurttemberg chasseurs needed to rally too. Also, the French had 'held the line' and suddenly had just crept ahead in VPs.

The infantry fight was now joined in full, skirmish fire for the most, but the French counter attack was slowed by the woods. On the road, one Wurttemberg battalion pushed up again and in another volley of fire drove the French back again, the cottages were empty and a quick follow-up order saw them occupied by my boys. They had taken a stronghold (an objective) but could they hold it? Just outside, another battalion column tried to launch an charge but failed, got cannisters for their pain, tried again, and failed again - not heroic stuff!. The French gunners, re-rolling all To-Hits, meant it was not so bad, but still the battalion broke under fire. My single, isolated battalion in the cottages held tight and French just couldn't muster the men for the counter-attack. So I claimed the VPs and rolled a maximum result!

In the end phase, adding up the VPs, Wurttemberg had just done enough to win it, marginally. The bold push up the road and into the cottages had been enough. In all, a short but sweet fight, just 90 mins.  Next time it will be a far larger fight, at Morvilliers, with a joint Austrian/Bavarian advance. Wurttemberg will have to stand-in for Bavaria.


The Wurttemberg advanced guard push up along the road through La Giberie and either side of it.

Right of the road, with the chasseurs deployed on the far right, they'd advance to block the gap in the woods and face down the French light cavalry. Stop them being a menace.

Action up the road, towards the cottages, French battery giving fire but low on ammo.

Chasseurs to chasseur, too even a fight... deadlock broken by a fierce cavalry charge card... time to have a crack at them.

The Wurttemberg battalion push up the road, after volleys and skirmish fire, to get to the cottages. An objective is within reach, valuable VPs to claim. Probably the French should have held the buildings and forced an difficult assault and house clearance.

The French reserve infantry counter-attack out of the woods.

They're in and holding on. The French just didn't have the men to try and drive them out. Claiming the objective is the difference to get a narrow win. 


Thursday 11 July 2024


This was a 750 point meeting engagement, somewhere in rural France, with a British Infantry battlegroup of a foot (tank riding) and motorised infantry platoon with a Churchill tank troop, a Sherman tank troop and off-table 25 pdr support (plus other bits and pieces, like 2 recce Humbers), vs an SS battlegroup of an armoured and motorised infantry platoons, 2 Tiger tanks with some mortar support and recce armoured cars.

I'll just give a basic overview of the encounter, and let the pics of the beautiful tabletop and miniatures tell the story, it's eye-candy really, but very inspirational stuff (and not my work).

It began as the two recce units warily moved up, only for the Germans to lose their armoured car to the Humber's fire. Behind this first action the Germans raced on in their half-tracks to secure the village, both Tigers with them. The Brits were still moving up, their Shermans going left to the hill top. A first long range speculative Firefly shot hit the lead Tiger and KO,d it, without getting a shot off. Meanwhile the Brits FOO was in place and called in 25pdr fire on the village. The Sextons behind would continue to pound away, but scored no direct hits, but still, the village was under much harassing fire. 

The rest if the German grenadiers were moving in, disembarking from trucks and taking to the hedgerows, moving on the central objective at the thatched barn. Which they took and then held against Sherman HE and MG fire, and drove off two British infantry sections as well. 

By now the Churchill troop had slowly clanked into place to attack the village, their own tank riders now disembarked and moving towards the village along the hedgerow.  They would soon encounter SS infantry, holding the small garage with various MGs and take heavy losses again. By now, it was obvious the British advance was in trouble. The 25 pdrs were causing pinning problems, but the SS were holding well, unpinning and keeping up MG fire on the infantry to keep them pinned in return. The Tiger waited, on ambush fire, for the Churchills to brave the primed 88. They didn't, until the Tiger was tempted by a long shot at a Sherman, the Churchills then moved out (on reserve move) and engaged the Tiger. In a fusillade of 6 pdr shells they scored 3 hits; first bounced, second bounced, third, penetrated the armour and the Tiger was smoking. Maybe this was breakthrough.
It wasn't... even without their mighty tanks, the SS infantry, veterans, in cover, were not to be shifted. The British, low on BR now, pulled back behind their 25 pdr fire, loosing Bedford truck to MG fire. Here we called it, the British only 4 BR from breaking (the Germans had about 12 BR left), so a solid win. The route through Beauchalet was blocked, but the British could at least claim two Tiger kills (wiederherstellungsteam will soon have them running again). 

 Shot of the action and lovely lay-out.

British moving on passed the shelled farm, the village is behind the trees. The thatched barn would become the scene of heavy fighting.

Massive 12x6 tabletop, we just used the middle bit, it was enough (for now).

Recce close encounter, Humber gets its target. First bloody...

Lurking back in the village, watching the British approach.

SS grenadiers race for the village to set-up their defence.

One shot, one kill, Tigers - not a problem - if you're a Firefly.

Churches slow approach via the road.

Disembarking into the buildings.

First 25 pdr stonk hits the village, much pinning as they take cover.

Churchills and infantry riders go right, via the lane, heading for the village.

Big cat steps on the gas to get into the village first.

SS have the village secured, and ready to rebel the British advance.

One shot, one kill, Firefly, not a problem, if your a Tiger tank...

Second platoon go right for the cottage and hedgerows, before pushing on on foot, to take the barn (an objective)

Churchills lurk, waiting to push on the village, but the Tiger waits on ambush fire... hmmm, maybe not yet!

Go, go! The Churchills make their move and plaster the Tiger with 6 pdr rounds, scoring 4 hits.

One 6 pdr shell gets through and the second Tiger is KO'd.