Thursday 11 July 2024


This was a 750 point meeting engagement, somewhere in rural France, with a British Infantry battlegroup of a foot (tank riding) and motorised infantry platoon with a Churchill tank troop, a Sherman tank troop and off-table 25 pdr support (plus other bits and pieces, like 2 recce Humbers), vs an SS battlegroup of an armoured and motorised infantry platoons, 2 Tiger tanks with some mortar support and recce armoured cars.

I'll just give a basic overview of the encounter, and let the pics of the beautiful tabletop and miniatures tell the story, it's eye-candy really, but very inspirational stuff (and not my work).

It began as the two recce units warily moved up, only for the Germans to lose their armoured car to the Humber's fire. Behind this first action the Germans raced on in their half-tracks to secure the village, both Tigers with them. The Brits were still moving up, their Shermans going left to the hill top. A first long range speculative Firefly shot hit the lead Tiger and KO,d it, without getting a shot off. Meanwhile the Brits FOO was in place and called in 25pdr fire on the village. The Sextons behind would continue to pound away, but scored no direct hits, but still, the village was under much harassing fire. 

The rest if the German grenadiers were moving in, disembarking from trucks and taking to the hedgerows, moving on the central objective at the thatched barn. Which they took and then held against Sherman HE and MG fire, and drove off two British infantry sections as well. 

By now the Churchill troop had slowly clanked into place to attack the village, their own tank riders now disembarked and moving towards the village along the hedgerow.  They would soon encounter SS infantry, holding the small garage with various MGs and take heavy losses again. By now, it was obvious the British advance was in trouble. The 25 pdrs were causing pinning problems, but the SS were holding well, unpinning and keeping up MG fire on the infantry to keep them pinned in return. The Tiger waited, on ambush fire, for the Churchills to brave the primed 88. They didn't, until the Tiger was tempted by a long shot at a Sherman, the Churchills then moved out (on reserve move) and engaged the Tiger. In a fusillade of 6 pdr shells they scored 3 hits; first bounced, second bounced, third, penetrated the armour and the Tiger was smoking. Maybe this was breakthrough.
It wasn't... even without their mighty tanks, the SS infantry, veterans, in cover, were not to be shifted. The British, low on BR now, pulled back behind their 25 pdr fire, loosing Bedford truck to MG fire. Here we called it, the British only 4 BR from breaking (the Germans had about 12 BR left), so a solid win. The route through Beauchalet was blocked, but the British could at least claim two Tiger kills (wiederherstellungsteam will soon have them running again). 

 Shot of the action and lovely lay-out.

British moving on passed the shelled farm, the village is behind the trees. The thatched barn would become the scene of heavy fighting.

Massive 12x6 tabletop, we just used the middle bit, it was enough (for now).

Recce close encounter, Humber gets its target. First bloody...

Lurking back in the village, watching the British approach.

SS grenadiers race for the village to set-up their defence.

One shot, one kill, Tigers - not a problem - if you're a Firefly.

Churches slow approach via the road.

Disembarking into the buildings.

First 25 pdr stonk hits the village, much pinning as they take cover.

Churchills and infantry riders go right, via the lane, heading for the village.

Big cat steps on the gas to get into the village first.

SS have the village secured, and ready to rebel the British advance.

One shot, one kill, Firefly, not a problem, if your a Tiger tank...

Second platoon go right for the cottage and hedgerows, before pushing on on foot, to take the barn (an objective)

Churchills lurk, waiting to push on the village, but the Tiger waits on ambush fire... hmmm, maybe not yet!

Go, go! The Churchills make their move and plaster the Tiger with 6 pdr rounds, scoring 4 hits.

One 6 pdr shell gets through and the second Tiger is KO'd.


  1. Splendid stuff together with a very fine table and toys. Outstanding rules goes without saying🙂

  2. Indeed a very nice looking table with nicely painted vehicles and miniastures. Great stuff!
