Wednesday 10 July 2019

Here come the Rebs!

A long-time back burner project that has been, on and off, the painting tray for the past 2 years... but it is finally done. Woo-Hoo! or Yee-Har!

My Confederate Army for ACW, and mainly the Longstreet rules. It is a basic force, with everything needed to play a Longstreet campaign against my Union forces. So now I have brigades for both sides... always nice to finish a big project... 4 Infantry regiments, 1 Cavalry regiment, 2 3 gun cannon batteries and limbers and command stand, sharpshooters and 'hero' marker.  Most are Perry miniatures, metals and plastics, with some Foundry and Dixon included as well. Future expansion will be another cavalry unit and a fifth infantry unit... more men in grey/brown sludge!

It has been too long for a game of Longstreet... so these Rebs will get a first run out soon. Phone camera obviously struggling at this focal distance... hence the blurriness (oops).

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